Charging and Remissions Policy

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Date Approved - February 2021
Date of Next Review - February 2022
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change



All education during school hours is free. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum with the exception of individual or group music tuition. The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ education. The Governing Body aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional optional activities. However, due to the limited funds in the delegated budget the Governing Body reserves the right to make a charge in the following circumstances for activities organised by the school. We try to minimise the financial barriers which may prevent some pupils taking full advantage of opportunities.


  • Education provided during school hours (including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other equipment)
  • Education provided outside school hours if it is part of the National Curriculum or part of the school’s basic curriculum for religious education.
  • Supply teachers to cover for those teachers who are absent from school accompanying students on a residential trip.

Voluntary Contributions

During Normal School Hours

When organising school visits which enrich the curriculum and educational experience of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost of the trip. All contributions are voluntary. If we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, we may cancel a trip. If a curriculum visit goes ahead, it may include children whose parents have not paid any contribution. We do not treat these children differently from any others. Pupils whose parents/guardians do not contribute cannot be discriminated against. Parents have a right to know how each trip is funded.

If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child to participate fully in the trip or activity. Sometimes the school pays additional costs in full or partially, in order to support the visit especially if additional funding comes into the school (pupil premium/sports funding). Parents have a right to know how each trip is funded. The school provides this information on request.

The following is a list of possible additional activities organised by the school, which require voluntary contributions from parents. These activities are known as ‘optional extras’. This list is not exhaustive:

  • visits to museums;
  • sporting activities which require transport expenses;
  • outdoor adventure activities;
  • visits to the theatre;
  • school trips;
  • musical events.

Residential Visits

Currently we organise School Residential Visits for Year 6 in the Summer term. If the school organises a residential visit in school time or mainly school time, which is to provide education directly related to the National Curriculum, we do not make any charge for the education. However, we do make a charge to cover the costs of board, lodging and travel expenses. If parents are experiencing financial difficulty they are invited to speak in confidence to the Headteacher.

Outside of Normal School Hours/Optional Extras The Headteacher can charge parents for board and lodging on residential visits as well as the full cost when a visit is deemed to be an ‘optional extra’. An optional extra:

  • falls wholly or mainly outside school hours, i.e. a residential trip during the school holidays is optional extra.
  • does not form part of the National Curriculum or the statutory requirements for religious education.

The parents’ agreement to meet the costs of an optional extra visit before that visit is planned in detail will always be obtained in writing. The stated cost of an optional extra visit must not include an element of subsidy for pupils whose families do not meet the full charge. Parental permission should be obtained as follows:

Sample Parental Declaration. Parents sign a declaration which contains, e.g. I understand:

  • that current legislation permits the School to ask for the full cost of the visit
  • that current legislation does not require the School to arrange subsidies for the visit
  • that if insufficient numbers of pupils opt for the visit then the visit may have to be cancelled
  • that my child cannot attend this ‘optional extra’ visit if full payment is not made by myself/ourselves.

Music Tuition

All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum. We do not charge for this.

There is a charge for individual or group music tuition if this is not part of the National Curriculum. The peripatetic music teachers teach individual or small group lessons. We make a charge for these lessons. If parents are experiencing financial difficulty, they are invited to speak in confidence to the Headteacher.


The school organises swimming lessons for a range of ages across the school. These take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum. We do ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards the additional cost of hiring the pool, lifeguards, swimming instructors and travel. We inform parents when these lessons are to take place by letter as-well as reminders on the school fortnightly newsletter. Refunds for lessons aren’t given unless cancelled by the school.


In order to remove financial barriers from disadvantaged students, the governing body has agreed that some activities and visits where charges can legally be made will be offered at no charge or a reduced charge to parents in particular circumstances. This remission policy sets out the circumstances in which charges will be reviewed.

There may be other extenuating circumstances in which waiver of charges will be considered.

Application for remission along with supporting information should be made to the school administrator, and will be treated in confidence.

Additional Considerations

The Governing Body recognises its responsibility to ensure that the offer of activities and educational visits does not place an unnecessary burden on family finances. To this end we will try to adhere to the following:

  • We will give parents as much notice as possible so that parents can plan ahead
  • We have systems in place where parents can pay in instalments
  • We will avoid the ‘first pay, first served’ method of selection as we acknowledge this discriminates against students from families on lower incomes.

Children in receipt of Pupil Premium (on the Ever 6 list)

To help with further enrichment, where possible, pupil premium funding can be offered to support your children. More information on this is published on the school website under Key Information / Pupil Premium. If unsure, please contact the school office – 01684 292198 , speak to the Head Teacher or have a discussion/meeting with our school Family Support Worker.

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Queen Margaret Primary Academy
York Road
GL20 5HU
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Queen Margaret Primary Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590