The aim of this policy is to outline how we are Queen Margaret Primary School address all the following areas:
We believe that children learn best when they:
We believe that classrooms should be organised to ensure that children have the opportunity to:
Learning takes place in an environment which:
We use the 2014 National Curriculum to guide our teaching and to provide a broad, balanced curriculum. Each subject has been developed with progression in mind for EYFS to Year 6. These form the basis of planning for learning incorporating the national curriculum as well as what we believe is important for our QMPS school community. A whole school overview has been developed which is then translated into medium term (Termly) plans and then short term weekly lesson plans. Daily plans identify Learning Objectives for the lesson as well as a toolkit for success for Talk for Writing sequences.
In addition, we provide a wide range of enhanced opportunities to broaden children’s experience and support their personal development.
First hand and memorable experiences inspire learning and enrich the curriculum therefore we support our lessons with a wide range of enhancement activities. All classes are involved in a planned curriculum visit linked to the theme at least once a term.
To support this we also use NowPressPlay virtual experiences which use stories to support themes.
In Year 6 we also organise a residential that is attended by most children.
All year groups are one form entry with two classes that have small numbers currently, however, Pupil Premium money is used to support the employment of enough class teachers to ensure there are one class per year group. All classes are mixed ability. In order to meet the needs of all our pupils and ensure good challenge, teachers use a range of grouping options in their classes. They may use ability groups, paired work; skills based grouping, talk partners, individual 1:1 tuition or whole class. Teachers will choose carefully the style of teaching which is the most effective and the make-up of groups will differ in composition and size for different activities. There may be several differentiated activities in progress during a lesson, and at these times the teacher will be working with mainly one group or individual whilst the remainder will be involved in planned independent activities that require minimum teacher input or TP support. In Maths we use a mastery approach where all children are exposed to the same learning initiation but the activity will differentiated according to support provided. In English our approach is based on Talk for Writing and the organisation may include a range of groupings and supported work.
Teachers use iBoards boards to enhance and support delivery where relevant. We have 15 shared laptops plus 1 IPad in each class to support learning.
e.g. word processing, literacy or numeracy games/activities, Internet research etc.
A stimulating environment sets the climate for learning and should be well managed, attractive and inspiring.
Displays are changed regularly to ensure that the classroom reflects the themes being studied and should include interactive displays where children can engage and respond.
All children’s work should be displayed at some point during the year.
Working Walls for English and Maths should be highly interactive, lively and relevant. Display in the classroom should be used to create a striking and stimulating environment. Work displayed should be of a high standard with correct spellings and neat writing. It should include work on different aspects of the curriculum and reflect the individual child’s efforts as well as ability.
Natural resources and cosy areas are also an essential part of the learning environment.
All children should have their work displayed so that they do not feel left out, get upset or tire of seeing the same children’s work. Displays are a good way of seeing what other classes are doing.
Social, physical, creative and academic achievements are celebrated in many ways as an ongoing process in all aspects of school life, by:
Secure knowledge of each pupil’s current progress is a core element of teaching and learning.
Lesson planning is based on prior learning and active assessment is required to ensure that progress is made in all lessons.
Assessment Week There are three formal assessments of Reading, Writing, Grammar Punctuation Spelling (GPS) and Maths each year which use NFER assessments.
In all other subjects teachers are developing the use of skills objectives which children are being assessed against through teacher assessment which goes on to record progress and inform planning
Teachers should observe, assess, reflect and review achievements with each child on a regular basis. Children should be involved in this process through self- assessment, peer assessment
In writing children have child friendly targets in their books relating the ‘Have a go task’ they have completed as an assessment.
In EYFS, children are assessed on entry using the EYFS Profile and again after six weeks. There then follows the three further assessment periods.
Individual pupil progress is tracked together with that of cohorts and significant groups.
We use a range of performance measures including teacher assessment and analysed summative assessment results.
There are three Teaching and Learning Conversations (TLC’s) held each year. These involve face to face meetings where barriers to learning are identified, intervention programmes are agreed and progress monitored. Targets are set at the beginning of the year and are monitored throughout using these meetings.
These enable progress of individual pupils to be tracked and interventions planned for where appropriate. Barriers to learning are also identified at these meetings which support strategies being used in the classroom. .
These are in place for all individuals on the SEND Register or Additional Learning Need plan (ALN) for those that have needs not related to education which may include SEMH needs. These plans are reviewed three times a year and meetings held with the SENDCo and parents around parents evenings to support them.
The great majority of pupils will make at least the expected rate of progress through first class teaching and learning. However, for some pupils this may not be sufficient and these pupils may benefit from additional small group or individual support.
Some may receive 1:1 tuition, specific intervention programmes or small group teaching, to enable them to make the progress required to achieve their full potential.
We are fortunate to have access to permanent experienced staff to deliver programmes.
The Pupil Premium Grant is a payment made to schools by the Government to support the teaching and learning of children in receipt of Free School Meals. It makes up part of the school’s funding, is received into our budget and is made available for use throughout the whole school. At Queen Margaret Primary School, we ensure that the Pupil Premium is used to raise the attainment of our most vulnerable pupils. More information on this is available on the schools website where the Pupil Premium Strategy document can be viewed.
INSIGHT tracking: This is the tracking system that all teachers have access to and the achievement in all years is recorded on here both for Teacher Assessment and Standardised tests.
Achievement in other subjects is recorded against the key statements which are beginning to also be put on Insight
Special Needs File: Each class has a special needs file with relevant information regarding those children on the SEN Register.
Each class has a Raising Attainment Plan (RAP) documenting groups, targets, barriers and agreed interventions. This is reviewed every half term and is bough to the TLC termly.
We are an inclusive school and all children are offered equality of opportunity
regardless of race, gender, cultural background, ability/disability or religion. Educational Visits: These are planned to enable full inclusion of all pupils Accessibility: The school has full disabled accessibility.
The school leadership team has a structured programme of monitoring learning and teaching through regular Learning looks in a variety of forms: in the classroom, pupil interviews, drop ins, book and planning looks.
We have developed a teaching and learning framework which we use for monitoring lessons and enables us to give clear feedback.
In addition, all teachers have subject leadership responsibilities. They have non- contact time to enable them to monitor and evaluate the standards in their subject and create plans to raise levels of attainment.
All classrooms are well resourced with an interactive whiteboard, an ipad with Internet access and class libraries
A wide range of materials and equipment are available for easy access. These are well organised, of good quality, are clean, tidy, attractive, accessible and well labeled.
An exciting classroom should promote independent use of resources and high quality work.
Teachers have a responsibility to ensure that their classrooms set a good example of neatness and quality. Books and other equipment should be displayed appropriately and kept in good condition
Sets of books, e.g. text books, dictionaries, thesauri and atlases are also available Each class has a Working Wall which helps children to remember important information.
Voluntary helpers are a valuable resource and we welcome their involvement in the classroom.
They can help in many ways across the whole curriculum. Help can be on a regular basis or a specific event. Teachers should ensure that volunteers fully understand and are well prepared for the activity in which he or she is involved.
All volunteers are fully DBS checked.
This document provides the criteria for effective teaching and learning through six core teaching practices used to evaluate teaching over time.
The best learning takes place within a positive learning culture where children are enthusiastic about their learning and are self-motivated. They are encouraged to take risks and are taught to be resilient. High expectations and skilled management of behaviour are key factors in creating a positive learning culture.
Description | |
0 | Poor behaviour management leads to pupils’ lack of engagement and persistent low-level disruption of learning, contributing to reduced learning and/or a disorderly classroom environment. Children lack resilience and have a negative attitude towards their learning. |
1 | Inconsistent behaviour management and an underdeveloped positive learning climate lead to low level disruption. Some children are distracted, lack resilience and not focused on learning. |
2 | Behaviour is managed consistently well by all staff, who show an
understanding of all children’s needs. There is a positive learning climate in the class. Pupils’ attitudes to learning are consistently positive, they are resilient even when challenged and low-level disruption in lessons is uncommon. |
3 | Skilled and highly consistent behaviour management by all staff who show a deep understanding of the emotional needs of the individual child and make a make a strong contribution to an exceptionally positive climate for learning. Pupils’ attitudes to learning are exemplary, with all pupils embracing challenges and taking risks. |
There is an appropriate sequence to the planning of a series of or individual lessons which takes pupils on a learning journey which has been informed by assessment. This will be more important than ever as we work to respond to the challenges of COVID-19.
Planning helps scaffold the learning of pupils towards the acquisition of new skills and knowledge; linking pupils to the bigger picture so that they understand how each lesson fits in with prior learning.
An effective sequence of learning leads the children to a purposeful outcome and provided opportunities for children to recap previous learning.
Description | |
0 | The lesson stands alone and does not link with previous and future learning. The learning objective has not been shared with the pupils.
Children are unaware of the purpose of the lesson. |
1 | There is a sequence to lesson planning which builds on previous skills/content. Some pupils are aware of the purpose of the lesson. Some evidence of assessment for learning informing planning. |
2 | There is a logical learning sequence to lesson planning with individual lessons building on previous skills/content and where necessary, the previous year’s content. All pupils are aware of the purpose of their learning. Planning is informed and adapted through assessment for learning leading to a purposeful outcome. |
3 | Pupils are using skills/content learnt in previous lessons. Pupils have clarity around the purpose of the lesson and where their learning is going. A purposeful outcome is the driver to planning which is informed and adapted through high quality assessment of individual children and where appropriate, learning clearly builds on the previous year’s content. |
It is through effective modelling that expert teachers explore ideas and concepts. Modelling isn’t simply about ‘getting it right’ but about exploring misconceptions, hypothesising about outcomes (thinking aloud) and clarifying key points.
Language – clarification is key: as a general rule, less is more
Questioning – when modelling, pose questions to the class. Identify key points or suggest common misconceptions
Chunk/Scaffold learning – Strike the balance between modelling a whole process/concept to modelling part of it depending upon the class and complexity of what you are doing
Description | |
0 | Language – teacher talk is used when modelling , although this does not necessarily lead to effective learning.
Questioning – when modelling, questioning is used although the effectiveness of this is variable meaning many pupils maintain misconceptions. Chunk/Scaffold learning – teacher modelling is largely ineffective and does not break down the learning to enable any of the pupils to access more challenging tasks. |
1 | Language – teacher talk is used when modelling to drive the learning in the class.
Questioning – When modelling, questioning is used effectively to drive learning, although alternative questioning techniques would further aid this. Misconceptions on key ideas for some may remain. Chunk/Scaffold learning – teacher modelling breaks down the learning to enable some of the pupils to access more challenging tasks |
2 | Language – teacher talk is used effectively when modelling to drive the learning in the class. The teacher mostly uses concise language which is rich in key words/concepts.
Questioning – when modelling, questioning is used effectively to drive learning, although alternative questioning techniques would aid this. Misconceptions and failures are embraced as learning opportunities. Chunk/Scaffold learning – teacher modelling breaks down the learning to enable most of the pupils to access more challenging tasks |
3 | Language – teacher talk is used effectively when modelling to drive the learning in the class. The teacher consistently uses concise language which is rich in key words/concepts.
Questioning – when modelling, questioning is used effectively to move learning forward at a rapid pace. The teacher consistently uses appropriate questioning techniques. Misconceptions and failures are embraced as learning opportunities. Chunk/Scaffold learning – Excellent teacher modelling breaks down the learning to enable all of the pupils to access more challenging tasks |
AFL is using evidence to adapt what happens in classrooms to meet learners’ needs. The process:
Establish where the pupils are in their learning Identify the learning outcome/destination Carefully plan a route
Begin the learning journey
Make regular checks on progress on the way Make adjustments as learning needs dictate
Effective feedback from adults and peers moves learners forward. It is timely and specific. Feedback can be provided in a variety of forms.
Description | |
0 | AFL – AFL is not planned for and children’s understanding is not assessed either before or during the lesson leading to inappropriate teaching.
Misconceptions are not addressed. Feedback – generic feedback with no points for improvement |
1 | AFL – AFL strategies are used during the lesson to assess understanding but there may be a more effective choice of strategy. Misconceptions are not being addressed for some children and barriers to progress still remain. Feedback – some specific feedback but limited evidence of its impact and timely nature. |
2 | AFL – AFL is planned for and used effectively before and throughout the lesson to assess children’s understanding with appropriate strategies used. Misconceptions are addressed and the lesson is adapted for groups of children.
Feedback – specific and timely feedback given, with evidence that the child has moved on and improved. |
3 | AFL – Teachers have a secure knowledge of children’s understanding at the start of the lesson and highly effective techniques are selected and used throughout the lesson. Constant adjustment of teaching and an understanding of individual needs ensures that all children’s learning moves forward.
Feedback – specific, timely feedback which enables the child to immediately move on and improve. |
Teachers must be conscious that children have different needs and abilities. To ensure that no children lose their focus or motivation we need to think about what in-class support and interventions or challenge will enable all children to achieve their potential.
Description | |
0 | Children insufficiently identified by the teacher and in class support is largely inappropriate. Learning activities do not support/challenge the children’s current understanding
The teacher uses few tools/techniques to support children. Progress is poor. |
1 | Some pupils identified by the teacher and in class support has been put in place, however this may not be the most appropriate. Learning activities support /challenge some children’s current understanding
The teacher uses some tools/techniques to support children to make some progress. |
2 | Some pupils have been identified for in class support which has been put in place. Learning activities support /challenge all children’s current understanding.
The teacher utilises appropriate tools to ensure that children are able to access the learning and make progress. |
3 | Specific pupils are clearly identified by the teacher and highly appropriate in class support has been put in place.
The teacher utilises the most appropriate tools for this specific lesson to ensure that LA pupils are able to access the learning and make rapid progress. |
Teachers must be conscious that a lesson plan is a step-by-step guide that provides a structure for effective learning. It is important that teachers make time for the reviewing of prior learning, sharing the purpose of the lesson and that they remain aware of the pace at which lessons progress. The structure of the lesson should allow for quality learning take place and a desire from the pupils to show what they know.
Description | |
0 | Purpose – Pupils are unclear on the purpose of the lesson. Links are not made with prior learning where possible.
Pace – The input of a lesson is too long and does not take into account the age of the pupils – which can lead to loss of focus, agitation and disengagement. Progress – Activities do not allow pupils to demonstrate their progress against the WALT and no checks are made mid-lesson. |
1 | Purpose – Some pupils are clear on the purpose of the lesson. Attempts are made to link the purpose with prior learning where possible.
Pace – The input of a lesson is too long, taking little account of the age of the pupils – which can lead to loss of focus, agitation and disengagement. Progress – Activities allow pupils to demonstrate their progress against the WALT and no checks are made mid-lesson. |
2 | Purpose – Most pupils are clear on the purpose of the lesson. Clear links are made to link the purpose with prior learning where possible.
Pace – Teacher input time takes full account of the ‘age plus 2’ attention span rule by varying the delivery method of information – thus maximising engagement. Progress – Activities allow pupils to demonstrate their progress against the WALT and checks are made mid-lesson. The teacher plans activities that encourage independent learning. |
3 | Purpose – All Pupils understand the purpose of the lesson. Clear and relevant links are made quickly with prior learning where appropriate. The purpose of the lesson forms discussion during the recap/plenary where appropriate.
Pace – Teacher input takes full account of the ‘age plus 2’ attention span rule by varying the delivery method of information – thus maximising engagement. There is a sense of ‘urgency’ in the environment. Progress – The teacher plans creative and imaginative opportunities for pupils to demonstrate their learning and facilitates independent learning and pupil evaluation. The teacher checks progress towards the WALT during lessons and is able to adapt the lesson direction for individuals in order to maximise progress. |